Saturday Americana in September


My Grandson runs for a winning touchdown, one shoe off and one shoe on.  Rain kept the temperature down to comfortable.

He ran so fast, he ran right out of his shoe.

Touchdown in the rain. One shoe off and one shoe on.

Touchdown in the rain. One shoe off and one shoe on.


After the game with two shoes on, and the helmet off.  “I’m not tired.  I want to play another game.”

I'm not tired.  I want to play another game.

I’m not tired. I want to play another game.

Photography by my Daughter In Law,  his Mama.







Saturday Morning Spring-Time Americana

ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014

‘Twas a beautiful sunny morning that wasn’t too hot and the gnats weren’t even awake.  Biting gnats can make being a spectator or a player pure misery.  Many of us are allergic to gnat bites.  However gnats do have their niche in nature.  Without the larvae, the soil would be overrun with fungi, especially cultivated soils, like ball parks.  Yup.  We need ’em.

All of the coaches and umpires are volunteers, and parents run the concessions.  I think the pitcher was the only girl on either team.  She stole three bases, too.

The coaches invited me to stand close to the dugout…where they were most of the time, so I could  take photos without the protective fencing. The dugout for my grandson’s team is on the left, the dugout for the opposing team is behind the kid in a green shirt.  Both teams had red uniform shirts which was only slightly confusing for some of the children when deciding where to throw the ball when fielding and runners where running.

Grandson Ready At The Bat  …

Canon  At Bat   ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014

Canon At Bat ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014


And what is more Americana  than a slow-poke dump truck in front and a railroad crossing with Amtrak speeding by?  Here comes  the Amtrak AutoTrain heading south towards Jacksonville.  There are four tracks on two diverging curves at this crossing.   AutoTrain passed in an instant, it was the slow-poke dump truck that slowed me down, despite my caption.  I’ve been crossing these tracks fifteen years, to get to anywhere, and this is the first time I’ve been able to catch a picture of a locomotive as it became visible for a small moment.  Yay for dump trucks that put me in position and baseball games that called me out of the swamp.

AutoTrain slowed me down a little bit, this morning  ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014

AutoTrain slowed me down a little bit, this morning ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014


I also had a watermelon, but we ate it before I got a picture.


What Could Be More Interesting Than A Mud Puddle?

Even Karate’ Kid(s) about to be in a parade have to check out the mud puddles.
Just outside of the photo frame are fire engines, motorcycle police, a Wells Fargo Stage Coach with four horses, an antique Jeep, the Beauty Queen in a convertible, people in odd costumes, marching bands warming up, floats, and more ….. so what do small boys  observe?  Well, of course, they study the mud puddles.  Wouldn’t you?
ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014

PARADE PREP MAY DAY ⓒ Bearspawprint  2014

PARADE PREP MAY DAY ⓒ Bearspawprint 2014