THE FINE PRINT — Music Themes

Lisa chose the theme THE FINE PRINT for this week.
The theme for next week is DRAGONS
Children must be cared for all day and all night everyday and every night twenty-four hours a day no matter what. Absolutely no matter what. It also absolutely required that this be done with good humor,  love and kindness,  gentleness, and all of the wisdom that can be mustered.

SLEEPSONG — Secret Garden
5min. 51sec.


Children must be cared for all day and all night every day and every night twenty-four hours a day by at least one impeccably trustworthy adult. No matter what.  Absolutely no matter what.

Who knows what the future will hold? Certainly, THE FINE PRINT says: The future will be brighter for children, and everyone, if you act with the welfare of children, and future generations in mind.

I have plenty of opinions about most things, and strong opinions about childcare.  Keep in mind my opinions are just that, my opinions.

MOVING MOUNTAINS — Nemesis — Two Steps From Hell
3min. 4sec.

In sickness and in health, for better or worse

SARAJEVO — Max Richter
3min. 59sec.

“My dear love…”

Work, work, and more work and practice, and foot work and breathe. Plenty of restful sleep and a healthful diet are in THE FINE PRINT. With the Takitumu the flavor is so bold, it doesn’t seem like there would be any FINE PRINT. But there is.THE FINE PRINT of dance is discipline.
Takitumu Akirata Ou Ura Pau
5min. 22sec.

Most people are so distracted by the hips or the stories told by the hands that they don’t notice the essential FINE PRINT. Often the practice and stamina building work required to perform dance is not thought about by people observing. Have you ever tried to do a pliés? Try doing a set of pliés with your knees clapping back and forth like these men do. Strength and foot work and breathing and disciplined practice are the FINE PRINT in dance.
Novosvětská symfonie Part II Largo — Antonín Dvořák
12MIN. 49SEC.

Antonín Dvořák: Symphony №9 in E minor, Op. 95 “From The New World”
Antonín Leopold Dvořák (1841 — 1904) Composer
Herbert von Karajan (1908 — 1989) Conducts
Wiener Philharmoniker — 2/1985 Record at Vienna, The Großer Saal des Wiener Musikvereins.
The Symphony No. 9 in E Minor “From the New World”, Op. 95, B. 178, popularly known as the New World Symphony, was composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1893 during his visit to the United States from 1892 to 1895.

What are you nostalgic for? Who or what aspect of home do you remember with fondness? Do you feel nostalgia the almost or even the never was?

I wish for my past
Nostalgia for what was not
Unfinished dreaming

Bear … 11.14.2014

Maddie:  Madeline
Lisa:  Music Theme – The Fine Print | Underground Energy Lisa
Johnny:   Johnny

19 comments on “THE FINE PRINT — Music Themes

  1. 1EarthUnited says:

    Bear we are in essence a large tribe of interconnected people. Ideally it takes a whole tribe to raise a whole child being. Sadly your replacement did not live up to her contractual “fine print” as a caring social worker such as yourself. I’m pretty sure she didn’t lose any sleep over this incident as shown by her lack of commitment to service. As human beings we all fall short, but we learn and live on, casting blame is ultimately futile- and “a waste of guilt” as Jewish grandmas say.
    On a positive note, your boys are the beneficiaries of a loving, caring, conscientious mom! You had to make a choice, there’s really nothing more you can do for the young mother. The fact that this still pains your soul after all these years means you’re human, compassionate and still passionate for the betterment of humanity. God bless you Bear!♥
    The Takitumu drum dance is brilliant BTW! Have a de-light-ful weekend. 🙂


  2. Lisa says:

    My dad built a swimming pool and we saw on the news that a kid drowned in it. It was pretty freaky. I was like 16 or something when we saw it on the news together. It was a powerful invisible slap that’s very surreal. It’s definitely something intangible to overcome.

    This was a very sobering, powerful music theme and I hope I am at least half of the mother that you describe here. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • All week the only thing that occurred to me was small print in marriage vows … then I thought of the exit interview with mental health agency I worked for. There was plenty of fine print there, but it had nothing to do with client welfare or confidentiality or anything of value. Which led me to the invisible fine print. The consequences in someone else’s life that resulted from ripples of my choices. That is the invisible fine print.

      That is surreal. That other dimensional feeling, like a thin spot in the veil.

      When what peeks through is not what you expect. If I can find it again, I shall send you a link to a talk given by a Llama. He has some very interesting things to say about that sort of experience. And he is funny 🙂

      As far as you Mothering, hopefully you act and make your decisions from a place of love and strength. And you have God and you have much love surrounding you … that gives you some wiggle room. You’re good. 😀 (at the moment, anyway) ❤ ❤ ❤


      • Lisa says:

        I’ve been studying this “phenomenon” for about two years. It’s what we were observing at Anarchadia. Actions and reactions. The waves that come back on us from actions. Backlash. I’m just now able to grasp the fringes of an opinion. I still haven’t been able to put much of anything into words yet. So far I have failed to put the surreal into the tangible, but yes, I do understand what you are describing very much. I do know that we can drive ourselves mad trying to tap into our own subconscious and can even die… obviously. It took me this long to find the words to answer this comment. ❤ ❤


  3. willowdot21 says:

    OH! Bear , do not beat yourself up even if you had stay this murder may of happened. The fine print in life tells us “No one is the be all and end all, we are the sum of the whole” Beautiful, sad and soul searching post! xxxx Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Willow. I expected for there to be some insurmountable problems, but. But. If that Mama had continued to have the support she needed, she probably could have coped. The baby was almost three, she had had a biweekly visit from her volunteer for the first two years, and then for three months after I was gone, the volunteer saw her once a month, then … she was alone… she had counted on that island of calm every once in a while …

      Instead ….

      I know I’m not the be all end all savior, and I have plenty of my own problems. But … that physically beautiful gorgeous young mother became a MONSTER. When the baby found a place were he could get his head up and reach up, she sat down and held him under with her foot. Or so it said she said, in the local paper. Which really is just hear-say.

      I was called for jury duty, and of course dismissed. … I didn’t know what the case was about, then. There are more complications … sad, so sad. She kept going for six months after she had no one.

      I was careful to never talk about my own boys and how blessed I have been.

      Anyway. Thank you Willow.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wonderful willow, I have delet3ed part of the blog post to which you replied. Do you want your reply amended or do you want to let it stand, as is?

      Thank you for so very much.

      Liked by 1 person
