Ballet of Mud

The weight of mud
The weight of yesterday
The weight of flesh
The weight of desire
The weight of generations
The weight of tomorrow
The weight of now
The weight of effort
The weight of mud
The weight of love
The weight of no hope
The weight of pain
The weight of no resolution
The weight of silence
The weight of pride
The weight of loss
The weight of memory
The weight of mud
The weight of death
The weight of death
The weight of death
The weight of death
The weight of mud
Thinking in mud
Breathing mud
Heart pumping mud
Swallowing mud
Dancing in mud
Heavy so heavy
This weary death in mud
Heavy beyond movement
Will the needed power
More work to do
There is so much more
More love to say
More music to play
Another dance
Another song
Another chance
To learn to swim
In the gathering mud
The viscous clinging
Weight of mud
Swimming a ballet of mud
Heavy slow sedate
Bear … 04.03.2014
ⓒ Bearspawprint

4 comments on “Ballet of Mud

  1. quarksire says:

    boy , can i relate to that one, thanks, peace to u 🙂 Q

