
All things entwined
With all that is not
All the befores
And all the afters
Who once was here
Is always here
And also is not
The hot winds
And the cold
The nano tangles
Into mega chains
This universe a spec
The entire unknowable
Within the known
And still there is
More all rippling
And spiraling
Both inward and out
Every thought
And every action
Every observation
Once begun will
Never stop
Self propelling harmonies
Resonate song entwined
Beyond awareness
Always known
The filaments of potential
Tied forever together
As are we
Our fates dependent
Upon one another
Bear … 01.03.2015

Entwined  2014-12-29 ⓒBearspawprint2014

entwined 2014-12-29 ⓒBearspawprint2014