Sun Lights Up October

Colorfull little fellow in the October sunlight  ⓒBearspawprint2014

Colorful little fellow in the October sunlight ⓒBearspawprint2014


October Foliage North Florida ⓒBearspawprint2014

October Foliage North Florida ⓒBearspawprint2014

Trees move around each other the same as people in a crowd move around each other.

October sunshine at the top of the hill ⓒBearspawprint2014

October sunshine at the top of the hill ⓒBearspawprint2014


25 comments on “Sun Lights Up October

  1. […] Bear took some words that  I had  put into a comment, on a beautiful post of hers, and made  the first  verse of the poem  below. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. willowdot21 says:

    Beautiful Ents and they walk!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lyrics in Sindarin, with translation in English:

      rithannen i geven
      Earth shakes

      thangen i harn
      Stone breaks

      na fennas i daur
      The forest [is] at [your] door

      ôl dûr ristannen
      The dark sleep is broken

      eryn echuiannen
      The woods have awoken

      i ngelaidh dagrar
      The trees have gone to war

      ristar thynd, cúa tawar
      Roots rend, wood bends

      dambedir enyd i ganed
      The Ents have answered the call

      si linna i waew trin ylf
      Through branches now the wind sings

      Isto i dur i chuiyl
      Feel the power of living things

      i ngelaidh dagrar
      The trees have gone to war

      Liked by 1 person
