PURPOSE – Music Themes

Maddie chose the music theme PURPOSE for this week
Must ones dreams be intact for there to be PURPOSE?
DREAM IS COLLAPSING —- Hans Zimmer — Inception
5min. 53sec.

How do you know if what you are doing has PURPOSE? Are your activities just filling time for the PURPOSE of keeping busy? Must a life of PURPOSE have meaning that is understandable to others, or even to one’s self, to be worthwhile? Can we live worthwhile lives and not be aware of PURPOSE?
6min. 23sec.

“In traditional Finnish culture, the “tenhi” is an old sage or shaman standing at the threshold between this world and the next” http://en.prophecy.de/tenhi
Can a life of good works be lived with love, and good intent, with PURPOSE, if all within is hopeless despair?
Hedningarna – Förtvivlans
2min. 14sec.

Förtvivlans = despair – Swedish
Can a misguided life still have good PURPOSE? Am I misguided if the dragons that I slay are not the same dragons that you want to be slayed?  Who’s PURPOSE is misguided? Must we slay our own personal dragons, ourselves? Does the blood of dragons have healing powers? If you slay your own dragons, does that process provide healing? Can we help each other with the slaying of dragons, or must we do it all alone. Must we give up if no one else understands which dragons need to be slayed in order for healing to take place? Is accepting help part of healing? Is it the healing that is actually the PURPOSE? Is it possible to live lives of love and service, even without being healed ourselves?
3min. 14sec.

Is it enough that people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds can meet together to happily play music?  Must everyone first come to a consensus of the PURPOSE of the Universe, the PURPOSE of life, the PURPOSE of each other, the PURPOSE of religion, in order to come together for no other PURPOSE than to make music? Is music enough reason to put such disagreements aside?
Ja ämmät ne itki (perinteistä kansanmusiikkia) & Tampsi-Jaakon jenkka
2min. 30sec.

Ja ämmät ne itki (perinteistä kansanmusiikkia) = And they Wept (traditional folk) – Finnish
Johnny has chosen as our next music theme: ‘Competition’. Can it be healthy? Is it necessary?
Maddie:  ♪Purpose – Music …
Johnnie:  Johnny

Eva:   Purpose? Who has one? …

Willow:  Music Themes : Purpose!
Has your PURPOSE in life been chosen for you? Has your PURPOSE in this life been pre-ordained? How much of your PURPOSE in this life is chosen by your self, how much by your circumstances? Are your circumstances created by fear? Is your PURPOSE guided by fear? What fears do you try to avoid? Are you afraid of hard work? Failure? Rejection? Loss of face? Truth? Not knowing enough? Pain? Success? Mediocrity? Loss of control? Do you fear surrender? Phobias? Illness? Getting old? Death?
FEAR — “Fear doesn’t shut you down.  Fear wakes you up.” —DIVERGENT — Hans Zimmer– Junkie XL
3min. 37sec.

Is it our PURPOSE in this life to live and remain as pleasant and comfortable as possible? Is the work of the learning and experiencing, as a PURPOSE for life, more like the work of moving mountains than relaxing comfortably, or perhaps even existing in misery, while waiting for someone else to move the mountains? Perhaps our PURPOSE is to learn to ask? Perhaps part of our Earthly lesson is that we are unable to move mountains alone.  A large portion of our PURPOSE is to learn that we cannot do it all on our own.  We all need help. Some of us must learn humility.
MOVING MOUNTAINS — Thomas Bergersen –Two Steps From Hell — Nemesis
3min. 02sec.


55 comments on “PURPOSE – Music Themes

  1. Btw, dear Bear, I have done a version of a theme on competition, though I’m not quite sure it fits properly. Feel free to link or not to link to it when I post. I did have fun doing it though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Bear, she will blow you away .Maddie  amazing woman, Johnny  man of  the moment, Eva is here misbehaving this week. Go dance with her!!! and lovely  lovely Lisa […]

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  3. Oh the Inception selection is sooo deliciously lush with resonating sound. Hmmmm. Merci.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Je suis heureux que vous appréciez la musique.


        • Multi-language pun 🙂


          • Finest kind.
            Oh I finally saw Divergent. Thou Shall Conform—or die.

            Liked by 1 person

          • The book series is a trilogy. I don’t think there more movies yet. The over all message is different, but they are written for “Young Adults” ie Teeny Boppers.

            Speaking of amusing character roles, I just watched Noah (rented DVD in a red envelope). There are some Watchers that look like Ents dipped in mud and hardened. Hermione is Noah’s daughter in law, and gives birth. The Selkie from Secret of Roan Inish is Noah’s wife. Noah is Russell Crowe without armor (he does have a leather jerkin) and … this really was funny to me… Methuselah was Anthony Hopkins. I imagine the sit-down-dinner-club is giving him a hard time. 🙂


          • As for Noah–the film–I’ve seen approximately the last half of it and your references are all duly noted–including the Ents connection.
            I found this film very disturbing on multiple levels–partly because of its Old Testament story telling flavor–tone, presentation of human nature, characterization, treatment of women etc. Hopkins’ character –well, not quite sure what to think about him at all. I did not go back to the beginning to watch the rest of the film. There’s something about it that I just don’t LIKE at all. Haven’t been able to put my finger on it yet.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Off putting. Some of the scenes depicted Noah as a self serving coward, such as when he didn’t rescue the girl in the spring trap. Much of the tech was well done, but some of the “how it happened” ideas area a little bit wrong 🙂 and the general interpretation was different from my own, and those (several) that I am used to.

            I am not a good movie critic as all of my comments are relative terms, relative to what I personally like and don’t like. I like good movies and I don’t like crummy ones. 🙂



          • That’s okay—it’s good enough to know what you like and don’t like and WHY. I tend to stay away from films with such subject matter for a number of reasons–which I won’t go into here. I agree about his refusal to help the girl –that decision clearly damaged his relationship with his son in very deep ways.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Purpose? Who has one? Where do we find them?

    Hi Bear, I finally managed to complete this musical mission with a purpose of sorts—but it wasn’t easy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] For more Purpose-full music theme links I encourage you to visit Bear’s blogcasa –> at https://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/purpose-music-themes/ […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1EarthUnited says:

    Very strong, robust choices for this week’s theme Bear. I shall have to reserve some time in the middle of the night and immerse myself in your adventure. The Finnish performance is quite elegant and most fitting.
    I love your bonus video/ anecdote about the Finnish women’s attitude on marriage- expect the worst, hope for the best. Perhaps that is considered old fashion realism, but I find it depressing.
    “Once the bride is weeping, the marriage can take place.” – Double ouch! I’m sorta reasonable, strong-willed, controlling type LOL, so I’ll presume Finnish men are not for me, although I do like the song! 😉
    Enjoy your weekend dear Bear.♥


    • That is passé. All of the Finn I’ve met are delightful. And the ones I haven’t met, but have corresponded with are most open minded. Also, every single one was extremely good looking (well, except for one)

      Here is one of my favorite Folk Metal bands: Korpilaani


      • 1EarthUnited says:

        Hi Bear, thanks for the heads up, so wonderful to have additional participants! Good day to ya.♥


        • Eva is a lady of many talents and skills, including, amongst many others, visual artist and Reiki practitioner. I was surprised when she didn’t use an anime clip 😀 It seems that it was your theme choice of PURPOSE which tempted Eva and Willow, and even Johnny, to participate this go ’round. Well done, Mlle Maddie. I hope your weekend is fun and rejuvenating.


          • 1EarthUnited says:

            Good afternoon Bear, so great to know there are so many talented people on WP! I have personally witnessed remote Reiki being done to a friend and it was a powerful emotional release healing. With heart and intention focused, we can move mountains.
            I’m so glad to hear my theme choice inspired them to express their creativity. It would be great if they could play with us more often. 🙂
            I’ve revisited several museums including the science museum which was a lot of fun. Hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend as well. Take care!


          • Ahh, well, you know, things to do, people to meet, and so on and so forth. Every one has (creative) lives outside of Word Press.

            I am grateful that artists and authors and even musicians, and other interesting persons do share a glimpse into their personal selves here and on You Tube. I would not be aware of quite a few wonderful creations, and certain beautifully spirited people, if it were not for these public venue.

            Yes, my weekend was fine, thank you.:-)


  7. […] sure to visit our purposeful themesters:     Bear     Lisa     […]

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  8. willowdot21 says:

    For what purpose! … great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lisa says:

    #5 as asked: My first response was to laugh, sardonically, at the literal translation of that phrase. To answer your questions, I don’t see why we must have all the answers, which is not even possible, to come to some sort of agreement. It seems that by saying, “We don’t have ALL the answers to ALL the questions” that it is just an excuse to perpetuate our disagreements instead of finding common ground on which to build our lives. I believe that it is very possible to put aside our disagreements and make merriment if we could kill or even subdue the pride inside of ourselves that we all carry. We have to care about each other more than ourselves. As long as there are people who are self- serving then I am not sure how anything can be accomplished. However, I am only 38 years old and I am a tad bit cynical about selfish people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Realistic maybe, not cynical. Yes, I think we can all (well, some, not all) put aside the areas on which we disagree, and come together on some common ground. Nobody should have to give up anything to recognize that some aspects of humanity are universally necessary amongst us. If something has to be dismissed because it interferes with that thought, then perhaps it should be dismissed. We also have to include ourselves in the human equation. I also think that listeners, or the participating audience is part of a music making process. 🙂


    • It is aFinnish tradition to tell the bride terrible marriage stories, stories about how awful it will be, and how awful men are, and how the bride will have to give up everything, so she better not be expecting anything good and most likely her husband will be an oaf in bed…. until the bride is finally weeping, but determined to be married anyway because she lovers her sweetheart so much, or she gives up. Once the bride is weeping, the marriage can take place. The tradition is based on the idea that if the bride doesn’t have too many expectations she won’t be so terribly disappointed, and may in fact, if she is lucky, be pleasantly surprised and live a happy life. One of the songs I have sometimes in my side bar is translated “The Bride Is Weeping” .


  10. Oh wow Bear! This is fantastic. I am right smack dab in the middle of my purpose. My purpose is to love and to show love. It’s more detailed then this of course I love what you guys are doing it makes my heart feel good. Wow! 😀 Hugs sweet Bear

    Liked by 1 person

  11. […] out Bear, she will blow you away with her perception and questions if you have the ears to hear. […]

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  12. […] for Bear, Lisa, Maddie and Willow’s themes on purpose, and […]

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  13. This is a great multi-media presentation! I enjoyed it and I thank you!

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