“If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster.”
“Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky.”
“A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans.”


According to Hopi Dictionary: Hopìikwa Lavàytutuveni, the Hopi word koyaanisqatsi (Hopi pronunciation: [kojɑːnisˈkɑtsi])[22] is defined as “life of moral corruption and turmoil” or “life out of balance”. The prefix koyaanis– means “corrupted” or “chaotic”, and the word qatsi means “life” or “existence”, literally translating koyaanisqatsi as “chaotic life”.

The film also defines the word as “crazy life”, “life in turmoil”, “life disintegrating”, and “a state of life that calls for another way of living”.
Koyaanisqatsi is a 1982 film directed by Godfrey Reggio with music composed by Philip Glass and cinematography by Ron Fricke.
Pruit Igoe — Philip Glass —    Koyaanisqatsi —   1982 —  rematstered

Prophecies — Phillip Glass — Koyaanisqatsi –1982 —  final soundtrack version

In the score by Philip Glass, the word “Koyaanisqatsi” is chanted at the beginning and end of the film in an “otherworldly”[26] dark, sepulchral basso profondo by singer Albert de Ruiter over a solemn, four-bar organ-passacaglia bassline.

Three Hopi prophecies sung by a choral ensemble during the latter part of the “Prophecies” movement are translated just prior to the end credits.
Hopi Mythology
by Frank WatersOswald White Bear Frederick (Illustrator), Frederica H. Howell (Foreword)
Eva’s choice of City: The Urban Landscape immediately triggered thoughts of KOYAANISQATSI

 I have lived in several cities and commuted to and or visited many others.   Each had a distinctive personality, and oodles of interesting subcultures.   Some towns that I lived in, have since become cities.  The associative thought I have when  I hear or read CITY  is still KOYAANISQATSI . 
Bear has chosen CLOUDS for Thursday, April 3, 2014
EVA’S CITY MUSIC:    http://47whitebuffalo.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/city-music/

BEAR:  https://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2014/03/26/koyaanisqatsi/

12 comments on “KOYAANISQATSI

  1. Lisa says:

    It was good to read this. I reblogged one of Jonathan’s poems and this link was on there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Deborah says:

    This is great, and you’ve lured me back in with Clouds. 🙂


  3. Johnny Ojanpera says:

    Thank you for sharing this with me Bear. It’s neat how many languages and contexts this term has evolved into. Nice to know it’s roots. The Hopi lived about two hours North of where I grew up, and there is a theory that they are an off shoot of the Anasazi.


  4. willowdot21 says:

    Thanks Bear I need to study this .xxxx


  5. […] I wonder what cities Bear has been exploring : Careful, it’s intense, https://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2014/03/26/koyaanisqatsi/#comment-13603 […]


  6. Clouds — Reaching for the sky Copy that. 🙂
    It’s rather bleak here indeed with the imploding buildings. The bridge was very cool with the clouds hanging in the air after it disappeared.


  7. Good morning Bear.

    City Music

    Now that I’ve pasted, I’m going to see where your ears have been…..

