Montana Issues Over 6000 permits to Hunt the Last 625 Remaining Wolves

Posted by on 03 October 2013 under Mass Die-Off
There’s is going to be some blood… On the hunters’ side. Indeed, in Montana, there is a 1:10 (wolf : hunter) ratio and 6.000 want to shoot at least one.
wolf, wolf photo, wolf hunt, more hunt permits than wolves in montana, wolf hunt in Montana, montana wants to exterminate wolf, wolf extermination in Montana, save the wolf in Montana, Would You Pay $19 To Kill a Wolf?, absurd: 625 wolves left in Montana, over 6000 permits to hunt them issue, This year, the fee for a license to kill a wolf in the state of Montana was dropped to only $19, , wolf in Montana, montana wolf in danger, Would you pay $19 to kill a wolf? In Montana 6'000 people just did, kill wolf in montana, montana wolf hunt, hunting montana, montana wolf huntingWould you pay $19 to kill a wolf? In Montana 6’000 people just did. And only 600 wolves are remaining!

How is this possible! They want to exterminate wolfs in Montana! Indeed, this state issued over 6000 permits at 19$ piece (ridiculous) to hunt the last 625 remaining wolves in the state and loosened regulations governing hunting of the animals (5 wolves per hunter and extended period of hunt).

If only 2.1% of hunters issued a permit this year reach their bag limit, the wolf will disappear from Montana altogether. As wolves are pack animals, a single hunter will likely be able to kill several wolves in a single trip.

In contrast, the neighboring Wyoming has cut the number of wolves that may be killed in half to protect them from over-hunting.


Oct. 28th is the due date for the online and snail mail letters.

Gray Wolf Talking Points Make YOUR Voice Heard!…

Mexican Gray Wolf Talking Points Make YOUR Voice Heard!…

Removing the Gray Wolf from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Maintaining Protections for the Mexican Wolf by Listing It as Endangered!docketDe…

USFWS’s decisions on the proposed rule can help Mexican wolves finally thrive or can push them closer to extinction. Please comment today, and ask others to do the same.

You can submit your comments online here:!docketDe…

Or by mail addressed to:
Public Comments Processing -Attn: FWS-R2-ES-2013-0056
Division of Policy and Directives Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, MS 2042-PDM
Arlington, VA 22203



There is a link to a petition at this link:

Howling For Justice | Blogging for the Gray Wolf

Sep 20, 2013 – Stop the unjustified killing and hunting of Montana’s wolves. As of September 7, 2013, our wolves are again being hunted and killed for the ….. Peay is a founder of Big Game Forever, an antiwolf advocacy group, who is 


80 comments on “Montana Issues Over 6000 permits to Hunt the Last 625 Remaining Wolves

  1. Thanks for sharing. It is always the same dance: one step forward and three steps back. This planet has an ulcer called human.


  2. Take note: I mentioned this to other sets of ears and the first thing in reply was “Fundraiser”–as in 6,000 + permits at $19 a crack = approx. $114,000 +


  3. Reblogged this on 47whitebuffalo's Blog and commented:
    Okay the Wolf hunting issue has gone totally off the rails now with this insane issuing of 6,000 kill permits. This mentality get’s me close to hitting the red button…yeah. Save the planet for everything NOT us.


  4. Thanks for posting this! I’m going to reblog–hoping that’s good with you. This is sheer insanity. Have people gone off their rockers or what?


  5. flyingcuttlefish says:

    I just sent this link to Huffington Post. We need a big media outlet like that to expose this BAD policy.


    • Shouldn’t you send the link you sent me?


      • flyingcuttlefish says:

        yes, that link is there as well as the petition.
        I want everybody to try an pass that petition on for wider visibility 🙂


        • We may be too late, though there are those who think the hunters won’t be able to bag any. I don’t think they should be allowed to even try. Bad. Thank you for your efforts.


        • When you have a link to your newly published post, may I use it in an update to this post? Purty please?


          • flyingcuttlefish says:

            Its a repost of your post (:) )
            I am waiting for HuffPo to read their mail. Nothing so far!


            FBI etc. consider Earth First to be terrorists.


          • The petition is ….. And Greenpeace are allegedly “pirates”. EarthFirst! has always been considered eco-terrorists. They, in the olden days, dunno about now, did do some things I strongly disapprove of. As far as I know they don’t do these same sorts of things, and walk the good brave walk.


          • flyingcuttlefish says:

            vandalism is terrorism if someone spray paints E.L.F. on a wall. If they tag a group name it’s just considered kids being bad.


          • I do not condone terrorism, nor have I committed vandalism.

            What is E.L.F. and what does “tag a group name” mean?
            Does “group” include gangs, clubs, governments, ethnic, ideological, social, religious or what? “Group” is a vague and inclusive word.

            I have never painted any words on walls, except a store’s name and hours and I owned that store.

            I do like the idea of some walls as art galleries. But not all walls. I have painted murals on private interior walls myself. Much of street art I find amazingly wonderful. Some is hideous. Some “art” is not art. 🙂

            I don’t know what any of the codes are regarding words, graffiti, art, and vandalism, so actually I don’t really know what your comment says. ???? I FEEL like I’m being warned, but I’m not sure about what, hence my defensive reply. Watcha doin’ Mr. F. C. Fish? Why don’t you post a link to your own blog in the big audience media? Really, mine is getting too cumbersome and doesn’t have that many readers, nor does the blog need all that much traffic.

            Someone did something similar to me in reference to a reblogged post about a foolish owl cull. I found out by following the cyber trail back to a comment somewhere else. That source did not generate much sympathetic interest, only some that probably we could all do without. I’m not an expert or a resource. I would rather you publicized your own very good informational blog or at least stop hinting about anyone’s involvement with unsavory, dangerous, stupid, maybe illegal, poorly thought out, or any other stuff I in particular, and readers in general, would rather not be associated with. O.K. ? If I approve of one particular activity, such as the spread on information for educational purposes, that does not mean I approve of anything else in particular or even in general.

            That said, I hope and pray the wolf gene pool is not being bottle-necked too much.

            Thank you for all you have done, amongst other things, helping me to try awakening up my somnambulant brain.— Bear


          • flyingcuttlefish says:

            I was thinking of the green scare

            OK to delete comments if you wish.


          • Yeah. Me too. 😦 Too many youngsters think of everything as a game of hide and seek or some sort of competition with a skinned knee the worst consequence, and if you loose, everybody shakes hands and goes home.

            And there are those who do know what they re doing and risk all to do it, with compassion and courage.
            E.L.F. = E Liberation F There is too much for me to keep track of.
            Wado (thanks) Bear


  6. cindy knoke says:

    Oh just makes me ill~


  7. flyingcuttlefish says:

    Reblogged this on flying cuttlefish picayune and commented:
    Please sign the PETITION at the bottom – – –


  8. Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.


  9. billgncs says:

    Once when we were in Cody Wyoming we stopped that their beautiful Buffalo Bill Museum. In the natural history section there was a board for people to comment on the re-introduction of wolves.

    It was very interesting to look at the notes people had penned. On the one side were people from the East who were visiting – and they spoke about the beauty and wonder of the wolves.

    On the other side were the locals, and I remember one girl had written – They kill our pets, and slaughter our cattle – how I hate them.

    Such a complicated thing. When we visited Yellowstone this year we didn’t see any, I suspect most hunters will have the same experience.


    • I suspect coyotes are sometimes mistaken for wolves, as they are filling the natural gaps left vacated by wolves, and bears and big cats, for that matter.


      • billgncs says:

        well this was after wolves had been introduced in yellowstone, and they cover a lot of ground.

        Cases of wolves slaughtering whole groups of cattle or sheep are pretty well documented.


    • I updated the post with a link to petition.

      I also did another search and found many more Pro-hunt articles than Anti-hunt articles. You are right there are always more sides than one to any problem or issue. Thank you for your insight. I found the anti-hunt debate offerings more convincing, over all. But that is just me.


      • billgncs says:

        I love wolves and grizzlies. I read recently that one of the things with wolves in Yellowstone is that they cull the herd animals, buffalo and elk, and therefore the grizzlies have more berries to eat.

        It is a complicated beautiful relationship.


  10. Johnny Ojanpera says:

    Are there any activists on the scene? Media? Anything at all? This is apalling, and a crying shame.


  11. willowdot21 says:

    Why can’t man just live in harmony with these magnificent animals.


  12. This is exactly the sort of mindless, egotistical, arrogant, money-oriented, lunacy I expect from the country I’m always ashamed to admit I was born in.

    May the wolves return the favour, nitwits….


    • “…always ashamed to admit…”

      I’m not ashamed to have been born in the USA. I even lived and attended kindergarten in Montana…. almost 60 years ago, admittedly.

      Please don’t allow such wrongness make you feel that you, or any of us, had a lot of conscious choice in our birth circumstances. We were all pretty helpless at that moment whether in America or Australia or Africa.
      There is no shame in birth origin. It just is.

      Writing letters and emails and phone call is not such a bad idea though, if you are so inclined. 🙂 We are no longer so helpless (now and again we are, yes, but not all the time).
      Did you know that rural Montana had electricity BEFORE power lines were put it. Commercial power made the power service more expensive AND more vulnerable to weather and therefore more unreliable and intermittent? Yes, many homesteaders had wind powered generators which they maintained themselves. Small ones for things of convenience. These same windmills powered the water up from water wells. Though the often sulphery smelling water didn’t make such good (when they had it) coffee.

      My step father was a civil engineer with the U.S. Forest Service is how I came to be in Montana so long ago. I
      don’t recall hunting wolves or wolves being an issue then,
      But I was only 4, then 5 yrs old.
      “… wolves return the favour….”

      If the wolves as packs hunt people, they will be eradicated, not only in Montana. If this hunt foolishness is carried out to its anticipated conclusion, the wolves will have a revenge, though not of their own design. Nature abhorrers a vacuum. Such critters as coyotes are already filling the void, nation wide.

      ….and this is only a tiny portion of the nitwits that abound… and I do agree it is so wrong headed and so stupid that it borders on evil, this approach to, well whatever it is,

      Heathen Heart, your anguish touches me. I, too, feel that something wild and free within our selves is being destroyed.

      Bless you for your love. Bear


    • I updated the post with a link to petition


    • WOLVES
      Oct. 28th is the due date for the online and snail mail letters.

      Gray Wolf Talking Points Make YOUR Voice Heard!

      Mexican Gray Wolf Talking Points Make YOUR Voice Heard!

      Removing the Gray Wolf from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Maintaining Protections for the Mexican Wolf by Listing It as Endangered!docketDe

      USFWS’s decisions on the proposed rule can help Mexican wolves finally thrive or can push them closer to extinction. Please comment today, and ask others to do the same.

      You can submit your comments online here:!docketDe

      Or by mail addressed to:
      Public Comments Processing -Attn: FWS-R2-ES-2013-0056
      Division of Policy and Directives Management
      U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
      4401 N. Fairfax Drive, MS 2042-PDM
      Arlington, VA 22203


  13. totalovrdose says:

    This is barbarically atrocious. Does any person really have the right to sanction the mass genocide of an entire species from a particular region?
    I doubt the people of Montana would be too pleased if all of the wolves suddenly arranged to do the exact same horrific act to all of them – so why do such a thing to a group of animals who have as much right to live as any other living creature?
    I don’t think I can possibly find the words to describe how disgusting this morbidly insane action is.
    Thank you for posting about this – I think everyone should be made aware of how deranged this occurrence is.


  14. jrosenberry1 says:

    These hunts are disgraceful. 😦

